Inclusion, diversité, équité et action en physiothérapie
Inclusion, diversité, équité et action en physiothérapie
Nous remercions vivement la division en santé mondiale de l’Association canadienne de physiothérapie, la professeure Tracy Blake et les nombreux membres de la division d’orthopédie de l’Association canadienne de physiothérapie qui ont contribué à la création de cette liste.
La liste de ressources suivantes a été créée dans le cadre de notre engagement continu à créer des changements en matière d’inclusion, de diversité et de lutte contre le racisme dans le milieu de la physiothérapie et de la santé. La présente liste de ressources vise à faciliter l’accès à de l’information particulièrement pertinente pour les physiothérapeutes. Elle est loin d’être complète et ne le sera jamais, mais elle prendra de l’expansion à mesure que de nouvelles ressources seront disponibles. Si vous constatez qu’un texte devrait être affiché, veuillez nous en informer, à
- Gender Awareness for Physiotherapists
- The Internet is Free: Progressing Past Awareness and Towards Racial Justice in Physiotherapy – Webinar with Dr. Tracy Blake
- Privilege, Oppression & Allyship This interactive talk, presented by Dr. Stephanie Nixon, is related to “The Coin Model of Privilege and Critical Allyship: Implications for Health”.
- Allyship for Rehab and Movement Professionals – Dr. Jennifer Hutton
Inequity in Sports and Exercise Medicine – Panel Discussion
- Cultural Competency and the Reproduction of White Supremacy in Occupational Therapy Education – Occupational Therapist and lecturer Marie-Lyne Grenier challenges the oppressive and pervasive narratives in occupational therapy education and discusses their role in supporting culturally unsafe practices.
- Indigenous Cultural Safety Collaborative Webinars (this resource has several webinars that pertain to both anti-racism in healthcare and Indigenous peoples)
- Impact of COVID-19 on Providing Physiotherapy Services to Northern Manitoba First Nations Communities
- Diversity and Inclusion Focused Symposium from the World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress 2019
- The Role of Physiotherapy in Reconciliation – Join members of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Committee of the Australian Physiotherapy Association as they explore Reconciliation through discussions around what reconciliation means to them and the role physiotherapy plays in this movement.
- Indigenous Canada – Free Course through The University of Alberta
- Cultural Safety, Indigenous Patients and Physiotherapy – Amanda Fortin and Katherine Harman
- Intersections of Racism and Power: Healthcare Redefined from Dr. Uchenna Ossai
Éditoriaux et blogues
- In the fight for racial justice, the sidelines are no longer an option. By Dr Tracy Blake, PT, PhD
- Racialization and racism: Uncovering the implicit in rehabilitation sciences and research – Commentary by LLana James, Sally Abudiab, & Samira Said Omar
- White Academia: Do Better – Author, advocate and Ohio State University professor Jasmine Roberts explains the problem of White Supremacy in higher education and lists 10 tangible actions to support Black faculty, staff and students
- A Personal Reflection on Racism – Mouhammad Kaddoura, second year Physical Therapy student at Western University
- Mobilizing Reconciliation: Implications of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report for Physiotherapy in Canada
- Unconscious bias in sport and exercise medicine in BJSM
Articles et recherches approuvés par un comité de lecture
- The coin model of privilege and critical allyship: implications for health – Stephanie Nixon
- Perspectives of Racialized Physiotherapists in Canada on Their Experiences with Racism in the Physiotherapy Profession
- Integrated care pathways for Black persons with traumatic brain injury: a protocol for a critical transdisciplinary scoping review
- Indigenous Health Research – Global Health Division
- Cultural competency and the reproduction of White supremacy in occupational therapy education
- An Exploration of the Experiences of Physical Therapists Who Identify as LGBTQIA+: Navigating Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Clinical, Academic, and Professional Roles
- Beyond a Statement of Support: Changing the Culture of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Physical Therapy
Boîtes à outils et autres ressources
- – A hub for investigating how racism and discrimination affects health. Provides numerous resrouces, webinars, academic publications, books, and events with the goal of reducing the adverse effects of discrimination leading to poor health.
- Indigenous Ally Toolkit
- Racial Equity Tools – Tools, research tips, curricular and ideas for people who want to increase their own understanding and to help those working towards justice at every level – in systems, organizations, communities and the culture at large.
- American Occupational Therapy Association – Cultural Competency Toolkit
- Indigenous Health Practice Resources from the Global Health Division
- Physiotherapy Practice – Indigenous Health Edition
- Global Health Division – Indigenous Health Sub-Committee Goals for 2020-2022
- – To learn about your territory and whether its unceded territory
- Mental Health Issues Facing the Black Community
Engagement et initiatives communautaires
- The BBIPOC PT Student Collective
- BIPOC for Dance Health – Directory for BIPOC health professionals who support dance health.
- The Black PT Association (BPTA) – The BPTA is forming to connect and support Black PTs and PT students. The role of the BPTA will include providing networking and mentorship opportunities, increasing the voice of Black PTs within the profession and the healthcare system and inspiring Black youth to enter the field. For more information, please reach out to Meredith Smith at