Member Benefits


In recent years, we have added several new offerings to add value to your membership through providing members with internationally accredited and innovative education, evidence informed resources and networking opportunities. Here are just a few perks that membership offers. Join the community!

What your membership offers:


Level up your practice!

Beyond our AIM Education program, we host numerous events, short courses and webinars to support our community in learning, growing and connecting.

  • Webinars: 11 in the last year, >90% of which were free to OD members.
  • Orthopaedic Grand Rounds: A deep dive into challenging cases with conversation led by experts specific to the case.
  • Short courses hosted by leaders and experts in the profession from across the country!
  • Orthopaedic Symposium hosted bi-annually to connect, learn and grow with and from some of the brightest in our field.
  • Opportunities to learn and engage in meaningful conversation around topics related to inclusion, diversity, equity and anti-racism through webinars and other events on topics such as anti-racism and gender inclusion within clinical practice.
Our AIM Education system
  • Our internationally recognized AIM education program has been overhauled to better serve the needs of members as we strive to continue to be leaders in excellence in education.
  • We are driving our courses forward to ensure value, excellence, and sustainability by offering:
    • Online exams,
    • Hybrid models of teaching,
    • New virtual textbooks, to better facilitate regular updates as we learn more
Excellence in mentorship

With our new mentorship module mandatory for all registered instructors and mentors and openly available to all members, we are excited to be able to better equip members to thrive in mentorship relationships!

Access to current and relevant research

Your membership includes full-access to JOSPT, and the bi-monthly Orthopaedic Division Clinical Update, to support you staying up to date with current evidence relevant to your practice.


There’s nothing like connecting with like-minded individuals within the profession to elevate ourselves and our community. Through numerous events hosted over the course of the year, members have the opportunity to meet, connect and learn with others making waves in our profession.